Vray 2.00.03 for 3Ds Max 2012

Vray 2.00.03 for 3Ds Max 2012
V-Ray is a rendering engine that is used as an extension of 3Ds Max 2012.It is a rendering engine that uses advanced techniques, for example global illumination algorithms such as path tracing, photon mapping, irradiance maps and directly computed global illumination. The use of these techniques often makes it preferable to conventional rendering which are provided as standard with 3d software, and generally renders using these technique can appear more photo-realistic, as actual lighting effects are more realistically emulated.

Build 2.00.03

Modified features:
(*) The V-Ray RT render server prints out some more information in GPU mode (useful for troubleshooting);
(*) Added access to the V-Ray material override exclude list from MaxScript;
(*) Support for the four FumeFX render elements;

Bug fixes:
(*) Noise with "Clamp output" option enabled;
(*) Hilights from the base reflection layer of VRayCarPaintMtl material were darker than they should be;
(*) Slow rendering with many overlapping VRayProxy primitives;
(*) Randomly missing gizmos when rendering VRayEnvironmentFog;
(*) VRayLights that exclude an object could still affect that object through GI;
(*) Rendering with GI may use more detailed texture mip-map levels than necessary;
(*) VRayHDRI may not respect the specified memory limit for tiled textures;
(*) V-Ray RT: Objects could disappear in animation;
(*) V-Ray RT: When used as production renderer, animation of deforming objects is ignored;

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